Gets game results.
/v1/resultsGets game results. By default, results for all ladders that the querying user has participated in are returned.
Amount of latest game results to get. Default and maximum is 10.
Amount of latest game results to skip. For example, if you have already populated a match history with the 10 latest results, but then your user wants to also see the previous 10 results, you would fetch those using offset=10.
Only get your results for the ladder with this id. Mutually exclusive with ladderEntryId.
Get results for all ladder entries of the given ladderId. Only usable by admins or if the allowFullResultHistory permission is set for the ladder. Mutually exclusive with ladderEntryId.
Only get results in which the ladderEntry with this id participated. Only usable by admins or if the respective permission has been set for the ladder. Mutually exclusive with ladderId.
Request samples
References a result.
Id of the ladder to be referenced. A result must have either a ladderId or a tournamentId.
Currently unused
IDs of all ladder-entries that have participated in this game.
Names of all ladder-entries that have participated in this game. Name changes after this game happened are not reflected.
Defines teams for the given ladderEntryIds. Members of the same team won't be considered to be playing against each other during rating calculation. In the example case, the ladder entry with the ID 123 is in team 1, 42 is in team 3, and 13 and 7 are in team 2. If some entries are in teams but others aren't, you can use team -1 for those that aren't, instead of giving each their own team. Can be omitted if there are no teams.
Describes the game's result for the given ladderEntryIds. In the example case, the ladder entry with the ID 123 has won, 42 has come 2nd, and 13 and 7 share a 3rd place. These results are used for rating calculation.
Ratings for the given ladderEntryIds before ratingChanges caused by this result were applied.
Rating changes for the given ladderEntryIds caused by this result.
Reliability deviation changes for the given ladderEntryIds caused by this result. This doesn't include reliability deviation increases caused by not having played an
Currently unused
Any additional JSON with data you would like to store for this result. This will be returned as is when you GET this result.